News Archive

Spring 2024 Rheumatology for All Update

Dr. Yewondwossen receives Lifetime Merit Award

Rheumatology for All (RFA) is delighted to announce that one of our esteemed founding members, Dr. Yewondwossen, has been honored with a prestigious Lifetime Merit Award by the Ethiopian Medical Association in the presence of the Health Minister. This award stands as a pinnacle of recognition within the medical professional community of Ethiopia. In the citation to the award, his contributions to the development of rheumatology in Ethiopia were mentioned. Notably, it was at Dr. Yewondwossen’s initiative that Drs. Meltzer, Scuccimarri, Hitchon, and Colmegna embarked on their inaugural journey to Ethiopia. His pivotal role as a catalyst for RFA’s inception remains invaluable, and we express eternal gratitude for his visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to advancing rheumatology in Ethiopia.



Dr. Hanna Lishan Kassa Graduates with Distinction in Pediatric Rheumatology


Rheumatology for All (RFA) is happy to share the news about Dr. Hanna Lishan Kassa.  RFA sponsored Dr. Kassa, who is from Ethiopia, for a pediatric rheumatology fellowship in South Africa. Dr. Kassa completed her pediatric rheumatology fellowship March 2024 and qualified with distinction in her final exam. When she returns to Ethiopia, Dr. Kassa will be the first and only pediatric rheumatologist for a country of over 100 million.

At the 2024 South African Rheumatology Association (SARRA) Congress held in February, Dr. Kassa was awarded the title of the Best Presenter, “Rheum to Share” certificate, a testament to her communication skills and her contribution to pediatric rheumatology research. Dr. Kassa is actively involved in the Pediatric African League Associations of Rheumatology (PAFLAR) Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Management Guideline Working Group. This initiative is particularly crucial as it aims to tailor management guidelines to the local realities and challenges faced in Africa.

We are extremely proud to have sponsored Dr. Kassa’s fellowship and look forward to continued mentorship as she embarks in the next stage, which is in caring for children with Pediatric Rheumatology diseases in Ethiopia. Her training could not have been possible without the financial support of our donors for which Dr Kassa and RFA are extremely thankful.

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